License Number Script


Do you buy a lot of copyright tubes and when you are working on your graphic, you have to stop, go back and find out what your License Number is? Well this script will let you create scripts for each of your License Numbers.

You can download my script here

Place the License Number script in your Restricted Folder.

Let's get started.

Open PSP and have a graphic ready to add your license number.

On the script toolbar, locate the License Number Script.

I always create a new raster layer to place my license number on..That way I can resize or move if needed.

Ready to begin? Do you have your license number?

You will need to set the background color for your license #.

I do not set a Foreground color.


Click on the Start button to have the script run.


The next screens are self explanatory, but we will walk through them.

The first screen will ask where you want your license number placed. I usually do the default because I find I usually move it to the position that I want.


The next screen will be your actual license number..Just type it in.

license number

Next, is the Font size that you would like to use



If you remembered to add a new raster layer, at this point, you can position to where you would like.

This is with a Black Background, Font 45 - Centered.



Isn't this a quick and easy way to add your license number..Would you like to learn how to save it and have all your license numbers available just by clicking the script?


Now learn how to save Your License Number Script


Page Two


EZ Tagging



Tutorial written by Laine
Header Tube Artist: ©Laguna
~ September 2008, All Rights Reserved ~